
We're definitely going to see a rise in Indie Developers with great ideas big enough to get top-tier publishers, like EA, to bite. Meet Respawn Entertainment, the company who is about to bring us a new IP known as Titanfall, which is an Xbox One exclusive. I've only seen it for a few minutes and i'm already entertained by the way it looks and plays. I am a big fan of action games, so don't mind me.

All we know about Titanfall right now is that it appears to be a shooter game and it's sci-fi. No really, that's all I can say at this time. I've seen third and first-person aspects so perhaps the game has both perspectives so i'm not going to say one. I've seen use of the Titans, which are the mechs, and giant spaceship so perhaps we have limited vehicular warfare. We all got a glimspe of agile wall-running, jetpacks, and lots of futuristic weaponry so the movement is above the norm in-terms of standard shooters. We also appear to still be on earth so.. Machines went crazy? Alien attack? Who knows.

Probably the game's most prominent feature is its multiplayer. From what i've heard, it combines dynamic campaign elements with the online play. We'll have to wait and see more for specifics but I guess Respawn has found a way to align competitive multiplayer with true storyline and single-player mechanics. This, i'm curious on.

We're likely to see more on Titanfall as E3 extends past day 1. Stay tuned for more details! For now, check out the reveal trailer:

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