Blog Post

Today, I kept thinking about all the douchebaggery that could go on in a video game. Especially in a shooter, and most definitely in Call of Duty. Countless amounts of exploiters abusing the game, boosting for EXP points and headshot count. Honestly, is that even considered fun? Of course, since we’re entering that era where games are becoming more of a service than a product (see our podcast about that), Infinity Ward has decided that they’re going to do something about it.

Robert Bowling confirmed that exploiters were being dealt with and the company has no problem whatsoever banning people ruining it for the fair gamers out there. Of course, what kinds of bans are we talking about? “Temporary bans” that last for 5000 days, which is equivalent to 13.5 years. Essentially, you’re pretty much perma-banned.

So now, I get to laugh as I watch the number of “why was I banned?” threads open up in various forums across the net. So for all you exploiters out there playing MW3. All I have to say is… suck it.

1 Comments for this post.
[Fragnotmyass] @ 4:06:40 AM Dec 16, 2011
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Good, I say keep them off the game forever. They are probably playing a burnt copy of the game Anyways.

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