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We all remember that wonderful board game known as Battleship, where we used amazing guessing skills and complete luck to bombard our opponents with missiles in an attempt to sink their ships. And I’m sure we’ve all heard of the upcoming Battleship movie that aims to sink our childhood memories with monstrous aquatic monsters and over-the-top action. Of course, they weren’t satisfied with just a movie so now, they’re going to make a video game as well.

Battleship the video game aims to take what the movie does and turn it into a naval action shooter. Sounds fun to me but at the same time, a bit unnecessary. They want to make it so that the game has “outrageous sea and land conflict”. It will also be played in the first-person perspective. And yes, it’s a shooter. The game will be developed by Double Helix, Hasbro, and Activision… Ah, I can already smell the dramatic action sequences.

I guess the goal here is to take an old piece of property and revamp it to fit in the modern entertainment world. I guess it could work if done right but with a release date set for May of 2012, will they have enough time to make something epic? I mean, I’ll be caught up in the flow of other games by then but hey, can’t go wrong with more warships.

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No, no, no... are... I... no this ... sigh, just the thought of them doing these things has stolen my words and made me stupider. Thanks Activision and Hasbro... 


Kenner RIP

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