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Ubisoft  has released footage of an interview with Michael Biehn for Farcry 3's upcoming DLC, Blood Dragon. That's right. You read correctly, Michael Biehn, the infamous action star who played parts in movies such as Aliens and The Terminator. He will be voicing the main character cyborg, sergeant Rex Colt.

When I watched the first trailer for this downloadable content, I was already amazed by the awesome epic 80s action feel. Dean Evans, the games director is very passionate about Blood Dragon, somehow getting Michael Biehn to go along with this 80s themed DLC is just epic. I mean come on, its John Conner for crying out loud!

What I want you to do now is watch this interview, go to your local video game store and tell them that I want the blood dragon dlc for preorder. Once they start talking about their rewards cards and promotions, yell "shut up and take my money! Farcry 3's Blood Dragon will be releasing May 1st, 2013 on Xbox Live and Playstation network.



Trailer via Gamegeexdotcom


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