Blog Post

We all remember the Batman: Arkham World that was supposedly leaked during VGA 2011. Even though I doubt "world" will be on the title of the next Batman game, it seems the next Arkham title is likely to happen soon. Time Warner chief financial officer John K. Martin let the detail slip during the company's latest investor call:

And we also have a strong games release this year, which will include the next release in the Batman Arkham franchise

Talk about a slip-up... It's still a slip-up I most certainly want to hear though. I LOOOVVED the Arkham City games and i'm praying to the gaming overlords that the third entry will be even better than the last and both Asylum and City were pretty damn good. A gamer can dream, right?

Also, incase you're doubting what's being said, i'm just going to throw in these domains Warner Bros. registered on January 2013 regarding Batman:

  • (Arkham Universe)
  • (Batman Arkham Universe)
  • (Batman Arkham Arises)
  • (Batman Arkham Begins)
  • (Batman Arkham Dark Knight)
  • (Batman Arkham Knight)
  • (Batman Arkham Legend)
  • (Batman Arkham Legends)
  • (Batman Arkham Night)
  • (Batman Arkham Origins)
  • (Batman Arkham Stories)
  • (Dark Knight Arkham)
  • (DC Arkham Universe)
  • (DC Arkhamverse)
  • (The Arkham Universe)
3 Comments for this post.
[Mandifesto] @ 9:57:12 AM Feb 13, 2013
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This is very good news indeed!  This was supposed to be a throwback title if I recall.  If there ever was a series that needed to keep giving us great games, it is this one. I guess we'll be seeing it sooner rather than later.  

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For sure. I'm just hoping the games keep getting better. You can do sooo much with "batman" behind your game and so far Warner has taken full advantage.

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Arkham Universe sounds like an MMO, which would probably be a bad plan considering the gameplay of the other titles. Arkham Legends, on the other hand, could be beyond awesome.

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