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Television is coming to Xbox Live with their Fall update, so says Bloomberg.  When the new layout arrives to change the UI of Microsoft's gaming console, it will bring with it Verizon Comcast and a host of pay TV options.  It's as if we won't need our cable boxes, and can just use the Xbox for everything.  

I myself use our Xbox as much for Netflix as I do for gaming.  Heck, as I write this I'm streaming in an episode of Mad Men in the background.  Gaming consoles are no long simply gaming devices.  When the PS3 was launched they touted it as a home media center, but the multimedia industry wasn't ready to take them up on their offer and make use of the technology.  Now it seems that the day has finally come when the gaming console is no longer just for interactive entertainment.  

Which leads me to today's discussion topic:  Do you see this mainstreaming of our gaming consoles as a good or bad thing?  At what point will consoles merge completely with multimedia tech, and which company do you think will win that console war?

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Personally, I like the concept of having an All-In-One entertainment box. If only we could get Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo to collaborate one one Omega machine that also acted as a cablebox, we could finally put the console wars to an end and free up a ton of space in the ol' entertainment center.

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I think this is a great addition to the console but when will GAMERS have the chance to watch TV. Since we will be pretty busy playing games.


When i turn on my Xbox its only to have a good time and play games. I don't think  i would want to go from my living room where i was watching TV already to my bedroom where i will be watching even more TV.

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I am all for the "all-in-one" function of things. But what if gaming leans more towards, mainstream diversity? I mean, I hope the industry still caters to the hardcore gamer,

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The mainstreaming of consoles today is a good thing because eventually it will lower price due to the simple relation of supply and demand. My guess is that consoles will merge completely with multimedia tech when the next new generation of consoles is released, which is in the near future. And no one ever wins a console war because of the term, you've probably heard it before: "FANBOYS."

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Well as Arturis said in the..broken podcast, you can only take hardware so high in the graphics department. The human eye can only see so much and as we near that cap, gaming companies are going to start to think of so much more.

I mean, it used to be the next console getting better and better graphics wise... maybe some inovation here and there, like what Michael Revis said, when they advertised the PS2 as a DVD player, which at the time was very nice. Now these companies are going to think of ways to attract other people besides gamers and also add to the console's "functionality".. by turning them into cable boxes, living room computers, whatever.

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Then again this will only attract the younger population. So it might not be as great in people buying this.

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I don't see how it can harm the consoles as a whole. Mostly it's just bringing together a bunch of different devices to cut back on the hassle of switching between them. I don't see how it could hinder the console as long as their main focus remains the games themselves.

I've always thought that Microsoft has had the edge over the other companies in most aspects of gaming and I feel like they will end up winning in this field as well.

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Chaobo, i think the best gaming can get in graphics is CGI. But, that would take years to develop a game which would be in playable CGI because every interaction is motion captured. They will most definitely come up with something near CGI quality in the future. Who knows, maybe in the future people will probably in the game itself like the movie "Gamer."

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I and the rest of the team was just at Indie Cade today to cover the event (articles will be following up shortly) and we(about 6 or so people) were playing a "jousting" game involving the use of the gyro-tech found in the sony Move wand. SO players were essentially duking it out with eachother in a very safe, fun, and totally partyrific (my word) enviornment. I believe that's a step towards the potential, or at least a part of, the future of gaming as it's not quite virtual, but it was a simulation nonetheless. It won't be long before stuff like that, much like the kinect now is implemented in online play.

But as far as graphics, yea CGI will be as crisp and clear as it can get for sure, but again you can only go so far in the graphics department of gaming... especially when it involves motion.

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Seems like you get to go to a lot of gaming events. Are the articles going to come out today or Monday?

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They should be up today. I'll admit, our weekend content is almost always non-existant but we'll work around it.

But we don't go to a whole lot, but we definitely go to what we can. I'll try and make it a personal priority to see if I can cover even the smallest of events. The rest of the team are always around to cover the major ones too when they happen.

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Bah! I wanna go to an event! It seems as though it would be a little harder to enjoy it though, if I had to focus on writing an article on it.

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I guess it wouldn't be to hard, if you are having fun then you would remember everything that went on.

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That's probably true, but it could be a little burdensome.

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Depends on the event. When we go as a team, it's nice because we can focus on our specialties or what we enjoyed. I don't know what it's like to cover something by myself yet but i'm a very open-minded person, I enjoy everything so I love to try things out. I'm also a rat at events, I have to be everywhere heh.

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Going as a team must be easier because you don't have to remember every single detail about every game. Like you said you can specialize and focus on what caught your attention and thusly write a better post about it. Yay for friends.

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Yeah, I can see how that would help. My main concern was that you wouldn't be able to spend as much time as you wanted on what you liked but would rather have to go to other presentations of things you were less interested in. I guess that problem would be somewhat alleviated by going with a team though.

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Well, generally 1 person is in-charge of a game anyways (unless the whole event is about 1 game) so remembering all the details about a game is on one person. But events are so much more and there are aspects to it that I won't interested in but Michael and Amanda will. All about perspective really. I see a game and looove to break down the multiplayer and its potential future versus an rpg-lover might take into account customization options and story, even if the game is an arcade shooter. Who knows aye?

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oh ok, I see what you mean. It would probably be hellish to try to cover a big event by yourself.

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I'm sure it would be... though, before I joined the writing train, I used to go to events, primarily the big ones like Internation Comic-Con because I didn't know the little ones existed till now xD. And like I said, i'm a rat, I am everywhere at once anyways so covering might not have been so tough heh. Of course, everything is growing so thing have changed I suppose.

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haha, I don't think I would be able to wrap my mind around that many games at once.

Just out of curiosity, what is your primary occupation? I was just wondering since you're able to attend all of these events

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My primary occupation is, well, this lol. I'm pretty much a full-time student for Entertainment/Media/Communications, which all translates to film in the broader perspective.

I'm pretty good with time-managment when I need to be so I get around quite well.

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Oh, haha. Well, it sounds like you got a pretty sweet deal going.

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I suppose lol. I've been fond of the entertainment industry as whole for the longest time so I enjoy it and want to pursue it. Theatre, Music, Movies, Games. I have a passion for all of it. I also kind of have a talent for most of it, since I have an incredible imagination and a pretty good talker( don't wanna say speaker, ha) on occasion. Problem with that is naturally, I'm a pretty shy and quiet person despite, unless you get to know me of course. I guess you can say i'm an anti-social, social person? Heh.

And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle. - Steve Jobs

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Music, movies, and games are pretty much what everyone enjoys. What have you done in the theatre industry?

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Enjoy yes. But Even when I was younger(er) I learned the mechanics behind all of it. Their creation, the steps needed, process, and all the individual roles in it, I know more than I should or even need to know that's for sure.

As for theatre I've dwelled in it for a bit in school. But also, I used to and still kind of do, help out a fairly close friend who is a local theatre director. I've helped out with quite a few plays with blocking and tech rehearsal.

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Have you specialized in gaming or do you please you other interests? Do they call you DJ Chaobo? lol

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lol Yo yo yo homie, DJ Chaobo in the house so you stop talkie.

Lol but no, though, that'd be something else xD. Gaming is definitely my biggest hobby because it's something i've been doing since I could pretty much hold a controller and thus, my specialty? Heh. I dwell in the other realms, i'm just not fully there (yet).

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I don't really have a hobby. I do different things but haven't managed to specialize in any one single thing and actually get good at it. I am an average gamer. Not that kill/death ratio really matters, but I have around a 1.7 in Black Ops (this is so you can get a perspective).

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Not bad, it's higher than my average I believe. I actually never look at K/D because it doesn't tell you how it was attained or when it's attained. TDM and any games based on killing I average about 4.00+ with some games in the upward 30kills/no deaths but with objective based games i'll generally die often, a ton actually in random pub matches in attempt to play the objective. When i'm with my actual team though all that happens less. Plenty of factors, moments, etc.

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Yea playing with friends that can communicate with you and and actually dedicate to the achievement of the objective, whatever it may be, is the best. Playing with random people is very difficult because I get frustrated at what they do, especially when I die in s&d and have to spectate randoms. Sometimes, many of them do the dumbest things that make me pretty mad. Again, yay for friends!

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Yup lol. People in public snd make me wanna kick cute puppies. I say that because SnD is a big competitive game mode in the pro series and the players I'll oppose and team up with are such a dominant force. Try the "competition" playlist sometime. It's so different, it should have its own k/d ratio heh. Problem is it's barebones and generally doesn't attract the normal consumer. But there are a number of reasons competitive gameplay is designed around it, don't want to go into detail right now.

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Its a good feeling having a strong team of friends that are calling in big killstreaks that make the other team back out. Those are probably the high moments for me in COD because the team that backs out is usually talking big before the match starts. You are right, I haven't tried out barebones because I am a normal consumer, I might try out the "competition" playlist later.

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Yeah, a good team of friends makes all of the difference in the world. A mediocre team can destroy a group of talented individuals anyday.

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