Blog Post

Remember that whole story about Sony adding an anti-lawsuit clause in their updated Terms of Service? The idea has apparently been picking up steam, with EA also having added one in for their digital distribution service, Origin. The only real way to opt out of these requirements while still having access to your account is to send a formal letter to the appropriate company asking to be excluded.

Concerned gamers, meanwhile, are taking matters into their own hands and making the opt out process a bit easier. The service, which is provided on the website Gamers Opt Out, provides an easy method of getting your letter done, which they can then send to your company of choice in your stead, at no cost to you. No need to pay for shipping, or trying to find the appropriate address. Just follow the simple instructions and fill out the appropriate boxes, and you’re good to go.

A nifty little service that should hopefully help to spread the idea that an anti-lawsuit clause in the first place is a pretty stupid idea, if not borderline illegal. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court isn’t exactly in a rush to put EA and Sony in their respective places, so, this method is really your best bet if you want to have access to your video games, and keep your legal rights.

5 Comments for this post.
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hmmmm, I hadn't heard about this until now. That definitely does seem borderline illegal to me and seems to give the company free reign to screw us over however they please...

It's cool that someone created such a website. Are they just eating the cost of shipping themselves?

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It's a really nice service, and unless they take donations then yea, they most likely do eat the cost of shipping themselves. Mind you, they will be letters and thus would cost less than 50 cents in some cases but that is still quite the price to pay when it starts to add up over time.

Maybe they make up for small shipping costs through website ads and traffic? Heh.

[Sir Loin of Beef] @ 2:06:49 PM Oct 4, 2011
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They do take donations to help cover shipping costs, and they have several contributors already. Definitely worth spreading the word around.

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Excellent service! I'm always glad to see people step up to the plate like this and help make a convoluted process easier for folks. These idiotic clauses just keep coming out but luckily there are more and more people like Gamers Opt Out ready to stand up and help their fellow gamers.


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I think the anti-law is fair since people are able to play for free on Playstation. So people shouldn't complain about about it. Yes, i Know people had there credit card saved on the PSN when the incident occurred, but they didn't have to put there credit cards in instead they could have bought the PSN cards.


Overall, i do think that this is an excellent service.

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