Borderlands 2
Genre: First Person Shooter
The ESRB has rated this product:

Release Date(s):
09/18/2012 ( PlayStation 3,Win PC,X-Box 360 )
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K Games
Desc: 2K Games and Gearbox Software are excited to bring you Borderlands 2! The time is now to take out Handsome Jack. Gather up your friends as you run rampant through the world, collecting bazillions of loot and guns in an effort to save Pandora from the evil grips of the Hyperion Corporation.

GameGeex Review of Borderlands 2
Gamegeex reviews Borderlands 2. Is it worth the buy? Damn straight! But find out why!
tl;dr - Too long; Didn't read
Borderlands 2 is a wonderful sequel to its very successful predecessor. With great online and splitscreen co-op, enjoyable class specialization, and a comedic atmosphere, Gearbox did a great job. If you were looking into Borderlands 2 but weren't sure if you should buy, just stop thinking and make the purchase.
Aesthetics: 5.0
GamePlay: 5.0
Story: 4.5
Quality: 5.0
Overall Score: 5.0
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