Genre: Puzzle
The ESRB has rated this product:

Release Date(s):
07/26/2011 ( PlayStation 3,X-Box 360 )
Developer: Atlus Co.
Publisher: Atlus Co.
Desc: Catherine is a game that explores the pleasures and horrors of love. It's a game in which "falling for a girl" is meant literally. Published and developed by Atlus Co., Catherine is an action-adventure horror game for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

GameGeex Review of Catherine
A unique blend of action and puzzle themes that will test the limits of your sanity, and how durable your controller is to abuse.
tl;dr - Too long; Didn't read
While Catherine is definitely someone you don't want to take lightly, the brilliant story and character interaction makes all the frustrations and awkward difficulty spikes worth going through. Just make sure to have a stress relief toy on hand.
Aesthetics: 4.5
GamePlay: 4.5
Story: 4.5
Quality: 4.0
Overall Score: 4.5
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  • [true] A unique blend of action and puzzle themes that will test the limits of your sanity, and how durable your controller is to abuse.
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