I've been wanting to start a podcast for a while now. In fact we've recorded two episodes of a podcast so far, but issues prevented us from putting them up on the site. Today I felt so strongly about a conversation I had about healing in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm that I couldn't write but still wanted to share. Thus I had the perfect reason to start up our first podcast.
"Girls Don't Game" will be my forum for talking about playing games as a woman. As I've realized recently, there's a huge disparity in this industry between men and women, and it's time to celebrate who we are and what we represent. I haven't done any sort of audio editing on this first episode, and it's super short. I hope to improve quality and quantity as it continues, as well as extend the conversation to other female gamers. For now, this is what we have, and it's a good place to begin.
Hit the jump to listen to our first episode. I'd love to hear what you thought of it, especially if you are a female gamer yourself. Let the conversation begin.