Good morning Geex! I'm sorry, perhaps your particular Sunday isn't worth an exclamation point. Maybe this morning is just a comma morning, a semi-colon morning at best. Well, we here at Game Geex aim to fix that, and do so by combing through the best of this week's webcomics and providing you with something funny, thoughtful, or fascinating to start your day off with.
If you aren't acquainted with any of these comics, now's the perfect time to start reading them. Hit that jump for this week's webcomic buffet of awesomocity. Yeah, it's a word now.
VG Cats: Decisions Decisions -- Scott takes on the Xbox One DRM reversal, answering everyone's most burning question.
Penny Arcade: Larvae -- Here's what happens when the game you play hits so very close to home.
Ctrl+Alt+Del: Authentic -- Apparently playing a TCG online is missing that certain...something.
Dueling Analogs: Inconspicuous -- Don't mind me, just dropping a kid off at the pool.
Plain Comics (Guest Strip on Phuzzy Comics) -- From loss comes opportunity...if you can tame the wild.