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Ready for some more gory, bloody ninja mayhem? Team Ninja revealed that the release date for their upcoming title, Ninja Gaiden 3 is set for March of 2012 for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. A Wii U version is also in the works but won’t be out till sometime later.

Though the information is limited, it’s confirmed that Ryu Hyabusa’s arm being cursed in Ninja Gaiden II will play a big role in the game. The game will also feature a new “Hero Mode” which allows the player to auto-block and dodge attacks. This allows the more casual Ninja Gaiden fan to actually finish the game and not toss their disk, along with their controller, out the window. Of course, the mode is optional, and buyers will still be given the choice to sign-up for constant death in the “very hard” difficulty.

 It’s been awhile since I played a good hack and slash title involving a ninja of Ryu’s caliber, so I can’t wait to sign-up for constant death pick the game up on release.

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[Fragnotmyass] @ 7:36:58 AM Dec 8, 2011
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