Blog Post

Are you the loudest one in the room?  When your friends play games at parties, are you filled with the irrepressible urge to describe what's happening on screen?  Then you might be just what Riot Games is searching for.  

Yesterday Jatt, Rivington, Kobe, Phreak, Deman, Quickshot and Joe Miller sat down with the Reddit community for an IAMA talking all about shoutcasting for League of Legends.  The devs are actively hunting down the next voice for their games, and want any and all dynamic loudmouths to apply to the job they have posted on their website.  If you're at all interested in the job, make sure you read through the IAMA, it's pretty fascinating to learn what goes into prepping for a shoutcast, which Riot caster jumps around before  a game, who carries their team in Solo queue, and who got recognized in a Swedish airport.  Also, you'll learn what the phrase "best of phreak trolls" means.

I would really love to see a female shoutcaster on their team personally.  While eSports is very male dominated, there's absolutely no reason why a lady couldn't step up to the plate and cast matches.  It all depends on the level of talent, but here's my call out:  If you know any lady League players with an epic voice to match their elo, send them the link to the job.  Let's make this happen people!

This leaves me wondering, if you were a shoutcaster, what would your handle be?  I think mine would be Pants.

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Having some feminine vocals calling out would be a nice change. 


If I were a shout caster I'd be called Wolf. Mostly because I lack the current imagination to come up with something else and because I'd always talk about how people were circling their prey.

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