Blog Post

Today a lot went down during the SDCC Gears of War 3 panel. Epic games just released their Crescendo video, which gives a behind the scenes look at what it was like for the developers to wrap up such an epic (no pun intended...well maybe a little intended) saga.  Not only have the characters undergone a huge journey, so have the developers, and it's interesting to hear their thoughts on where they are taking the franchise now that it's ending.

As excited as I am to learn more about this game, I'm also a little hesitant to watch the video myself.  I scanned the first few minutes and then realized this isn't a game I want to spoil for myself on.  Like a fine wine, information about this game should be savored, and saved for a special occasion.  Don't let me stop you though.  Think of me as your bartender:  I may not partake, but that doesn't mean you can't have a glass or two.

Gears of War 3 launches worldwide on September 20th.  You can preorder your copy today, and be among the millions awaiting this game, and even sign up for a chance to win a trip to the game's launch event in New York City.


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