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Out of nowhere, Capcom just announced Lost Planet 3. Pretty random if you ask me, but Lost Planet isn’t a bad game, so why not?

The game will be a prequel to Lost Planet 2 as well as Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. It will also be set in E.D.N III, a fictional icy planet that reminds me of Hoth. It’s also said the conditions have “never been more harsh”, which I still have yet to understand because it’s a prequel to game with already harsh settings. But never mind that.

The main character of the story is a utility driver by the name of Jim. How a utility driver is supposed to combat giant aliens using an arsenal of weak yet highly effective human weaponry is beyond me, but hopefully, they’ll explain that. Capcom does claim that the game will be more narrative-driven, so hopefully Lost Planet 3 will offer a juicy story on top of the action that I already know is going to be dramatic.

Details are slim at the moment and with Capcom already working on an earlier release for Resident Evil 6, I’m not sure when we’ll see the launch of this game. But I can wait, since this year is already trying to break my bank.

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