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A few titles for E3 have been leaked and this one will surely be a game I will follow till the moment it releases. Star Wars 1313 was announced and the name alone has me shaking in excitement! The game will be a third-person, action-adventure game and lean more towards the story of the bounty hunters rather than The Jedi or Sith. Finally, something a little bit different.

Not much information has been revealed about the game. The titles was featured on Game Trailers TV and all we really know is "Star Wars 1313 is about being a bounty hunter in the most dangerous place in the galaxy – Level 1313, “a ruthless criminal underground deep below the surface of the planet of Coruscant.” I’m a huge Star Wars fan and going off of my knowledge, I hope to God “1313” stands for the alias, CT-1313, which was used by Boba Fett in the expanded universe. I ask for that because I really enjoyed the tale of Jango Fett in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter and hope to play as another Fett because you know they’re pretty awesome.

Though, if I had to speculate based on that picture alone, which is really all we visually have for details, we're likely to play as someone we've never heard of, much like Star Killer from The Force Unleashed. From the looks of it, the game will take place during the reign of the imperial regime and looking at those spotlights, we're playing as another traitor, or since we're talking bounty hunters here, someone who doesn't really take sides. I also have to point out that with that much force; a shuttle and two fighters, someone ended up with more than they could bargain for...

No information has been released quite yet but I sure as hell can’t wait! Stay tuned for more as Gamegeex hits E3 this coming week!

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[fraggadier] @ 3:58:39 AM Jun 1, 2012
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Me and Ken were both hoping someone would make a sequel to Star Wars bountyhuner and...YAY!!!

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